You hear a lot of wives complain about mothers-in-law but they forget to talk about their own mindset, character, conduct, and so on.
Many go into marriage with the misconception that a mother-in-law, by default, will be bad and wicked. This is not true. While I agree there are several mothers-in-law who are difficult, there are also many wives with bad behavior.
Fortunately for them, they tend to be more vocal, energetic, and technology savvy so they run to social media to push one-sided narratives, knowing that there’d be people online waiting to support them.

I counsel many mothers-in-law and hope things can be better but a lot of wives are also terrible.
If you find something missing in your relationship with your mother-in-law, begin by asking yourself what you can do better then go on to ask how you’d handle her if she was your biological mother because as it is, she’s your husband’s mother.
If you are a mother, you already know how influential a mother can be on her children. You need all that influence working for you not against you.
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